Keyboard Shortcuts
There are a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can make time spent with Axosoft more efficient.
Open keyboard shortcuts |
? |
You can also view shortcuts via .
The Axosoft interface
Command Palette |
shift + p |
Undo last action |
Z |
Cancel focusing current window |
esc |
Toggle Organize Panel |
shift + L |
Toggle Right Details Panel |
shift + D |
Toggle Bottom Details Panel |
shift + B |
Toggle Scratchpad |
S |
Working with the item grid
Focus the next item |
J |
Focus the previous item |
K |
Expand/collapse focused item |
< or > |
Check/uncheck focused item |
X |
Search the item grid |
/ |
Creating items
Create a new item (specific item tabs only) |
C |
Create a new item in a new window (specific item tabs only) |
shift + C |
Create a new work item |
N then F |
Create a new task |
N then T |
Create a new incident |
N then I |
Create a new subitem |
N then S |
Quick add a new work item |
Q then F |
Quick add a new task |
Q then T |
Quick add a new incident |
Q then I |
Quick add: save item |
enter |
Full add: save and close item |
ctrl + shift + S |
Viewing items
View an item |
O or enter |
View an item in a new window |
shift + O |
View a work item |
V then F |
View an incident |
V then I |
View a task |
V then T |
Close an item being viewed |
U |
Editing items
Edit an item |
E |
Edit an item in a new window |
shift + E |
Edit durations for initial and remaining estimates for an item |
D |
Add work log to an item |
W |
Save item changes |
ctrl + S |
Save and close when editing item |
ctrl + shift + S |
Rank Mode
Move item to top rank |
M then T |
Move item to bottom rank |
M then B |
Unrank an item |
M then U |
Managing emails
Reply to an email |
R |
Reply to all recipients |
A |
Forward an email |
F |
Reply to an email in a new window |
shift + R |
Reply to all recipients in a new window |
shift + A |
Forward an email in a new window |
shift + F |